Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Protect Your Most Valuable Player: Your iPhone 4

Football season and the fall are here!  As you take your iPhone with you to each game to check the scores of all your favorite teams, you'll need to make sure you also have a protective and stylish case to protect your most valuable player: your iPhone!

Personally, every cell phone I've owned has been beaten to pieces.  It's a sign of the good wear and tear I got out of it.  After all, it is a device on the go and therefore is a device I always have out.  That said, I'll forget it's there when it's in my lap, or it'll fall on the floorboard when I'm in the car.

That's why cell phone cases are the simple yet often forgotten solution to keeping your MVP in great shape.  Cases.com lets your phone take a lickin' and keep on tickin.  Remember that slogan?  It's an oldie but goody, especially when we're talking about a computer in the palm of your hands that keeps your life in line: cell phone numbers, calendar and e-mail addresses.

iPhone 4 users are in good hands with Cases.com because of the versatility of cases, especially with prices!  Leather cases can run hundreds of dollars, but this one is just $73 and keeps your phone and your wallet in tact in just one case!  But if you prefer a more economically sound option for your budget, choose this one, which is made from a flexible TPU material.  Its basic design and functionality keeps your phone and your checkbook protected.

Middle of the road options include this case, which is a great look at a great value.  The PDair Black Leather Sleeve is designed to keep your phone from becoming too bulky and has access to all of the bells and whistles of the iPhone 4.

All of these cases are made of sturdy materials that will last all of your on the go needs.  Whatever case you choose, just choose it fast.  The question is not if you drop it, it's when.