Monday, October 04, 2010

Going Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and ACS has gone pink along with many other organizations around the country. But the special events and all of the pink you'll see during October point to the fact that breast cancer is still a deadly disease that claims thousands of lives a year. Even though the mortality has gone down overall due in part to early detection and diagnosis, the disease is not always survivable.

Here in Austin, the local chapter of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is kicking off a month chock-full of activities that will benefit breast cancer awareness and research, from pink ribbon doughnuts to haircuts to fitness activities. In addition, the annual Race for the Cure will take place on November 7th at the Domain, after months of fundraising by local teams. The Breast Cancer Resource Centers of Texas organization is also holding several events during October, including a golf tournament, a motorcycle ride, and SCARE for a Cure.

Other local offices are "going pink" to increase awareness. The Austin Police Department rolled out a pink police car on Thursday that will be seen around the city in October, and the city council issued a proclamation for the 2010 Race for the Cure at last week's meeting.

Beyond the pink, though, remember that this isn't just the month when NFL players wear pink gloves or guys wear pink ribbons. This is the month when we remember those who are still fighting a terrible disease, and those who fought until the end.