Monday, September 27, 2010

"There's Always Somebody Taking a More Radical Step Than You Are"

After dropping cell phone service - radically changing our lives and the way we communicate, adopting Dave Ramsey's envelope system as we turn the pages of his Total Money Makeover, paying cash for groceries, and buckling down our checkbook to devote every extra cent to debt, we are starting to feel free from our normal routine that has kept us tied to financial stress.

I read an article Swapping Convenience for Low Cost on the Get Rich Slowly blog recently.  It's about a man from London who traveled to the United States on the cheap... the very cheap.  He stayed on people's couches and did odd jobs for people in exchange for food and shelter.  It's not how many people travel.  In fact, I don't know anyone who travels like that.  But the point is he's experiencing America a different way than most from his country do, and has great stories to tell from it.

My favorite paragraph from the blog is this:
Whether you’re looking to travel to exotic places, change careers, or just keep your house warm this winter, there’s always somebody taking a more radical step than you are. Watching people who go beyond your own comfort zones can be inspiring. We can’t all be vegans, but we can all try to eat less meat. Most of us would never want to become squatters or dumpster-dive for our dinners, but seeing others do so can be an invitation to examine our own lives.
Where are you swapping cash for conveniences you don’t really need? Is there some radical change waiting to be made in your life? A baby step that you can take towards it?
 There's always someone more radical, huh?  That's hard to believe since I don't have a cell phone anymore!  But it's true.  I wonder what other people do to blast debt.  I'm interested to know the extreme measures some people take when they are really serious about changing their lives and the way they spend money.

What do you do?  Are you changing the way you spend money?  Are you tired of debt?  Are you taking radical steps to change your life?  If you are, please let us know about it.  Leave a comment below.