Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow Blankets Austin

Most people can't remember the last time a true snow storm hit the Capital City. But Tuesday, that's exactly what happened: an almost unbelievable sight with actual snowflakes, some reported at quarter size.

People across central Texas are spending the day building snowmen. Each school district is following its own protocol on whether to release early. Radio reports said Leander and Round Rock were on early release around or shortly after the noon hour. Other school districts are keeping students because school leaders feel getting kids and parents out in the weather would pose more of a hazard.

Accumulation ranges from half an inch to several inches, with bands of snow hitting the area in waves. Some police officers report higher than normal accidents, while personal pilots are deciding to stay grounded instead of take flight. A Twitter message reported the City of Austin offices are closing early due to the snow.


Todd Wright said...

Glad to hear the Austin had some accumulation this year. Wish San Antonio would see some of that! Love the site, guys!