Saturday, February 06, 2010

It's Just Who I Am

In November 2009, I set out on an adventure by securing a home on the web and pointing all of the news, blogs, podcasts, lifestyle information and picture gathering I could find from Austin into one location.  This month, The Austin Citysphere turns three months old and all I can say is, "It seems like forever!"

Ever since, oh, let's say 2006 or even before, I'd been blogging sporadically.  Consistency wasn't my game.  But shortly after arriving in Austin in 2008, I came up with the idea to form an audio podcast.  Thus, Speak Podcast came to life on the internet and for about four months, I produced short form podcasts to talk about politics, news, and interesting pieces of information.  From that adventure, the most exciting items came from the presidential campaigns.  A site called Utterli allowed me to connect with some people who I still keep in touch with!  Jill Foster, a prominent D.C. area blogger became my special correspondent as she traveled to the conventions.

Sadly, Speak Podcast did not hold up because a lot of things in my life began changing.  But I believe Speak paved the way to what is now The Austin Citysphere.

Why am I writing all of this?  I'd like to consider this my state of the blog address.  I've been having so much fun producing The Austin Citysphere!  Not only do I consider it simply an information zone for people in Austin - and elsewhere according to my Google Analytics statistics - but an entity that is beyond me now!  ACS is a part of my life in so many ways and I feel that it's on a roll I cannot, nor want to, stop.

It's with each page view, unique visitor, and story that makes me want to do this even more than before.  Because of this excitement, I've even been able to create ACS on BlogTalkRadio, where every Sunday (except this coming Super Bowl Sunday) I go live on the internet to host the ACS radio show.  I've had some very awesome guests and interesting discussion, all while getting better at hosting a radio show and having a blast doing it.  I produce audio and video podcasts, and do my best to get as much cool news from around this awesome city on the site. 

Being nominated for a Texas Social Media Award from the Austin American-Statesman has also been a true honor.  The judging is still taking place and winners will be announced in March.  This site is truly rewarding, but to be placed in the running among the social media elite in the state is mind blowing.  You can visit my Statesman nomination page if you'd like to leave a comment.

So to you, ACS subscribers, please keep the visits to the site coming.  But know that this site is more than just a guy who likes posting blogs, podcasts and news.  This site is about you, and I welcome any blogs or other content you'd like to send my way.  You can always e-mail me, and trust that your readership, opinions, and contributions mean the world to me.

Happy almost three month birthday to The Austin Citysphere, and here's to many more months and years ahead.


Ryan Loyd 


Ryan Loyd said...

Oh I look forward to it! Please let me know when you come to town and I would love to get together! Thanks for your contributions and readership! You are awesome.